Aug 9, 2023

The Real Cost Of Not Answering Your Business Phone

The Real Cost Of Not Answering Your Business Phone

Did you know that 80% of customers will not call back a second time if their call isn’t answered the first time? When calling a business, most customers are hoping and expecting to connect with a live agent. This way they can have their questions answered and concerns addressed instantly.

Not answering the phone or leaving this vital part of your customer service up to a chatbot will leave customers frustrated. This is because 77% of customers have a preference for voice communication. Even more, it may push them right into the arms of your competitors! In this blog post, your All Out Support virtual assistant service experts explain the losses your business faces when you don't answer your business calls. 

Not Answering Calls May Cost You Sales

Loss of Potential Customers

Losing a customer means losing business. The customer you are losing might have become a long-term client. 66% of customers view this as poor customer service and are willing to cancel services because of it. 

You never know when a lifetime value client will pick up a phone and call your business number. Be sure that you can always provide them with a seamless experience when dealing with your business. 

Loss of Potential Sales

Losing sales is detrimental to a business. Whether you have a lot of customers or are just starting out, it’s important to recognize the importance of each individual customer. 

Especially when you are in a high ticket business like Real Estate or healthcare services, a single sale can leave a serious dent in your revenue and eventually your profits.

80% of customers will not call back a second time.

Loss of Company's Reputation

A company's reputation is everything. Once the word is out that you don't pick up the phone or give enough value to potential clients, your reputation begins to crumble.

So, hiring virtual assistant services like All Out Support is paramount for your business's success. This way, you will preserve your company's reputation. Allowing you to give each and every potential client the personalized attention they deserve.

Bad Reviews

In this digital age, online reviews are the first thing people look at before purchasing a product or service. A missed business call can create a lot of doubts about your brand's quality of service and integrity. 

Lastly, a bad review can go a long way and will keep hurting your sales as long as it is up. 

The Importance of Virtual Call Answering Services

Today, your customers need complete satisfaction. You can’t achieve that in your business by missing calls. Missed business calls mean losing current customers and potential sales. 

Furthermore, when you miss business calls, you are telling your customers and clients that:

  • You are unprofessional.
  • You don't value them or their business.
  • Your brand may not be trustworthy.
  • You do not care about providing the best customer service.

The ideal solution is hiring a virtual receptionist service. The best virtual call answering services can handle the calls and customer service while you focus on other parts of your business. An excellent name in this arena is All Out Support for your virtual assistant services. We can handle all your company's needs on the customer service and administrative end. For instance, we offer:

  • Inbound call answering.
  • Outbound dialing.
  • Social media posting.
  • Email management.
  • Appointment scheduling and management.
  • General customer service support. 

To learn more about our virtual receptionist and virtual assistant services, talk to us here or ask for a FREE quote.

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